Saturday, April 24, 2021


 Watching the news today got me thinking.  It seems like every time someone gets shot by the police, there are people out there protesting for police reform.  The latest case involved a teenager wielding a knife against another female.   No doubt this was a black on black crime.  However, someone DID call the police, who responded in time to see the teenager about to stab the other person.  Police officer did the only thing he could do at that moment and that was to fire at the person wielding the knife.   He was protecting the life of the other person.

What was he supposed to do?  Let the other person get stabbed and possibly killed?   These people who are protesting the death of the knife-wielding teenager need to acknowledge the fact that if something hadn't been done, that person who was being threatened may have lost her life.

The protestors keep saying that something needs to be done to reform the police.   My suggestion is this:

If you think you can do a better job out there on the streets, let them put YOU in a uniform and then YOU can respond to trouble calls and see how YOU can do better than someone that has gone through weeks of training.  Split second judgment calls sometimes don't work out for the best, but they DO stop perpetrators and criminals from repeat offenses.

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